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Playing Age: 20-40.

Characteristics: Warm, Relatable, Comical, Authoritative, Deep, Gravitas, Animated, Versatile.

Accents: English, Hull, Yorkshire, Liverpool, London, Australian, General American.

Languages: English and basic Japanese.

Studio: Home Studio.


Commercial Reel
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Video Game Reel
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Animation Reel
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Documentary Reel
00:00 / 01:04
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Richard Summers-Calvert is an experienced actor known for his work in BBC's Eastenders, the award winning film 'Drive Me to the End' and is currently playing the role of 'Loki' in the highly acclaimed theatrical production of 'Mythos: Ragnarok'.

Richard is the voice of many characters from video games to professional wrestling, his most recent role being the only English Swabbie in Ubisoft's 'Skull and Bones', recorded at Molinare studios.

Richard can also be heard on multiple commercials as well as BBC's drama 'Suspect', the feature film 'Lady of Heaven' and a commentator on PROGRESS Wrestling which can be found on the WWE Network.

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